A ccept your reality. B e present. Be bold. C reate something exciting. D rink plently of water. Dance E xcersie daily. Eat fresh food. F eel your emotions. Face fear. G o outside and face nature. Give. H ug often. Help others. I ngnite you passions. J ump through your comfort zones. K iss passionately. Keep looking forward. L augh. Love. Learn to let go. M editate daily. Make goals. N ever give up on what you want. O wn a pet. Observe beauty. P ray. Paint. Play an instrument. Q uit a bad habit. Quiet your mind. R ead. Relax. Reinvent yourself. S mile. Sleep. Simplify. T ake power naps. Talk wisely. U nleash your strenghts. V ent. Visualize your dreams. W alk. Write. Watch the sunset. X erox your smile. Y ell less. Yield to your thoughts. Z ap negativity.