
Showing posts from August, 2024

I Protect the Peace of My Mind Because I Am Evil When I Am Angry

Anger is a powerful emotion, one that can consume us and distort our judgment. When harnessed constructively, it can drive change and bring about justice. However, when left unchecked, anger has the potential to unleash a side of ourselves that we may not even recognize the darker, more volatile side that can hurt others and ourselves. This is why I place such importance on protecting the peace of my mind. Understanding the Power of Anger Anger often feels justified. Whether it’s triggered by an injustice, a personal slight, or a deep-seated frustration, it’s a response that can seem rational at the moment. However, the true nature of anger is that it blinds us to our own destructive tendencies. We may act in ways that are contrary to our values, leading to actions and words that we later regret. The Dark Side of Anger When I am angry, I find that I am not the person I strive to be. The calm, rational part of me gets overshadowed by a darker force. In these moments, my thoughts become

Why My Love for Photography is More than Just a Hobby

In a world that constantly rushes forward, there's something profoundly soothing about the act of capturing a moment in time. For me, this is more than just a passion; it's a way of preserving the essence of life's fleeting instances .  The Art of Memory Keeping Photographs have a unique ability to freeze time. Every click of the camera is like pressing pause on a moment that might otherwise slip away. I cherish the feeling of looking back at an old photo and being instantly transported to a time, place, or feeling that might otherwise be lost to the passage of time. In this way, photography is not just about capturing images; it’s about preserving experiences and emotions that might otherwise fade. From childhood snapshots to the candid moments of today, photography serves as a powerful tool for memory keeping. Each photograph is a frozen fragment of time, a testament to a moment that once was. It’s not just about the images themselves but the memories they evoke. When I l

Don't Leave When It Gets Hard, Leave When It Gets Disrespectful

In every relationship, whether romantic, professional, or personal, there will inevitably be challenges. Difficult moments test the strength, resilience, and commitment of those involved. However, there is a crucial difference between encountering hardship and facing disrespect. Knowing when to hold on and when to let go is essential for maintaining your self-worth and emotional well-being. Hard Times vs. Disrespect Hard times are a natural part of any relationship. These moments might include financial struggles, misunderstandings, or life changes that require adaptation. During these times, it's important to communicate openly, support one another, and work through the difficulties as a team. These challenges, when faced together, can strengthen a bond and deepen trust. Disrespect, on the other hand, is a completely different matter. Disrespect occurs when one party fails to value the other, crossing boundaries that should never be crossed. It can manifest as verbal abuse, manipu

You've Got One Life: Waste It Wisely

In a world that's constantly moving and changing, it's easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily routines and obligations. Amidst the hustle, we often forget that we have only one life to live. This precious reality invites us to reflect on how we spend our time, the choices we make, and the legacy we wish to leave behind.  The notion of “ wasting ” time may seem harsh, but it serves as a reminder to live intentionally and make the most out of every moment. Understanding the Value of Time Time is a finite resource, and once it’s gone, we can never get it back. We might not always be conscious of this fact, but our lives are shaped by the choices we make each day. Every minute we spend in unfulfilling jobs, toxic relationships, or meaningless pursuits takes us further away from what truly matters. By recognizing the value of time, we can better align our actions with our core values and aspirations. Prioritize What Matters Most To live wisely, it’s crucial to identify what

Why Do People Blame Others for Issues They Have Created?

Blame is a common human response to failure, disappointment, and conflict. It's an easy way to deflect responsibility and protect one’s self-esteem. However, chronic blaming can lead to strained relationships, stunted personal growth, and a lack of accountability. Let's explore the psychological and social reasons behind why people often blame others for their own issues. Self-Defense Mechanism One of the primary reasons people blame others is to protect their self-image. Accepting responsibility for mistakes or failures can be painful and damaging to one’s self-esteem. By shifting the blame, individuals can avoid facing their shortcomings and maintain a positive self-perception. This defense mechanism helps them avoid the emotional discomfort associated with guilt and failure. Social Influence and Culture Society and culture play a significant role in shaping behavior and attitudes. In cultures where there is a strong emphasis on individual achievement and success, failure can

I haven't found my Atlas yet; but I had the courage to leave my Ryle

In the vast landscape of relationships, we often find ourselves searching for someone who can shoulder our burdens, lift us when we’re down, and be our unwavering support a partner who embodies the strength of Atlas. But the journey to find that person is often fraught with detours, leading us into the arms of those who may not be right for us.  I haven't found my Atlas yet, but I did find a Ryle, someone who, at first glance, seemed to be everything I needed. He was charming, strong, and seemingly dependable. But as time passed, the cracks began to show, revealing that beneath the facade was someone who was not capable of bearing the weight of our relationship. Ryle was not my Atlas; he was a temporary shelter in a storm, not the steady foundation I needed. It takes courage to admit when something isn’t working, especially when you’ve invested time, emotion, and dreams into it. The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing. We stay because we’re afraid of being alone, of starting over

Know Your Worth: Why You Should Never Lower Your Standards

In a world that often pressures us to conform, it's easy to question our values and compromise on our standards. However, when you truly understand your worth, you realize that lowering your standards is not an option. This realization is the key to living a fulfilling and authentic life, where your decisions reflect your true self. Understanding Your Worth Knowing your worth starts with self-awareness. It’s about recognizing your strengths, values, and the unique qualities that make you who you are. When you’re confident in your worth, you won’t feel the need to settle for less than you deserve; whether in relationships, your career, or personal endeavors. Self-worth is not about arrogance; it's about having a healthy sense of self-respect. It means valuing yourself enough to set boundaries, say no when necessary, and walk away from situations that don't align with your values. The Danger of Lowering Your Standards Lowering your standards can have a ripple effect on all a

Being Raised Right Doesn't Mean You Don't Drink and Party: It's About How You Treat People, Your Manners, Words and Respect

In a world where social media often dictates what it means to be " raised right , " it's easy to fall into the trap of equating a person's worth with their lifestyle choices. The idea that someone who abstains from drinking, partying, or indulging in certain behaviors is automatically more virtuous or morally superior is a misconception that needs to be challenged.  Being raised right isn’t about adhering to a strict set of socially accepted behaviors. It’s not about avoiding alcohol, refusing to attend parties, or maintaining a squeaky-clean image. These things might be part of someone's personal values or upbringing, but they don’t inherently make someone a good person. What truly matters is how you treat others, the way you carry yourself, and the respect you show to the people around you. The True Measure of Character A person’s character is reflected in their actions and attitudes toward others, not in their social habits. How do you respond when someone need

Don't Let Anyone Brainwash You into Hating Someone Who Has Done Nothing to You. Other People's Problems Are Not Yours.

In a world where opinions spread like wildfire and influence is often mistaken for wisdom, it's easy to get swept up in someone else's narrative. Whether it's a friend, your parents, spouse, a colleague, or even a stranger on social media, people are quick to project their problems and biases onto others, expecting us to adopt their feelings as our own.  But here's the truth: other people's problems are not yours, and you should never let anyone brainwash you into hating someone who has done nothing to you . The Power of Influence We are social creatures, and our opinions are often shaped by those around us. From an early age, we're taught to trust the judgments of others, especially those we care about or who hold authority. While it's natural to seek advice and share perspectives, it becomes dangerous when we start to internalize someone else's issues as our own. Influence is powerful, but it can also be misleading. A person might have unresolved conf

Do Not Make a Person Fall in Love with You If You Can’t Love Them Back: A Reflection on Ethical Responsibility in Relationships

In a world where human connections are increasingly fleeting and shallow, the idea of love holds a special place. It is an emotion that brings people together, a force that binds hearts and souls.  However, love is also a responsibility, and it is important to understand the ethical implications of fostering romantic feelings in another person when you are unable or unwilling to reciprocate. The question arises: is it fair to make someone fall in love with you if you cannot love them back? This article explores the moral and emotional consequences of such actions and encourages readers to reflect on their own relationships with empathy and integrity. The Nature of Love Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion, often described as an intense feeling of deep affection. It encompasses a range of experiences, from the passionate desire of romantic love to the deep bond of familial love. However, romantic love, the focus of this discussion, is unique in its combination of emotional intim

Dear Men: Close Your Eyes and Imagine You Have a Daughter, and She’s Dating a Guy Just Like You. Did You Smile? If No, Then Change.

Imagine for a moment: you are a father with a daughter. Now, envision her dating someone who mirrors your own behavior, your values, and your attitude towards relationships. Does this thought bring a smile to your face, or does it stir discomfort and unease?  This exercise is not merely an introspective reflection but a critical call for personal growth and societal change. If the prospect of your daughter being with someone like yourself is troubling, it’s time to reconsider and transform how you approach relationships, respect, and responsibility. The Reflection Exercise: Why It Matters The exercise of imagining your daughter with a partner who is just like you serves as a mirror reflecting the quality of your actions, values, and behavior. It compels you to confront whether the standards you set for your own behavior align with the standards you would wish for someone else to meet; particularly in a romantic relationship. This exercise emphasizes the importance of empathy and self-a

In a World Full of Ryles, Find Yourself an Atlas

In a world where toxic relationships often overshadow the possibility of genuine love, It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover provides a beacon of hope and a powerful lesson about the kind of love we all deserve.  The novel introduces us to two contrasting figures: Ryle and Atlas. While Ryle represents the tumultuous and often destructive side of love, Atlas embodies the ideal partner who offers stability and support. As we navigate our own relationship journeys, it’s crucial to recognize the difference between these two archetypes and strive to find an Atlas in our lives. The Ryle Effect Ryle Kincaid, one of the central characters in It Ends With Us, is a brilliant neurosurgeon whose charm and ambition make him initially appealing. However, his character is deeply flawed, displaying traits of arrogance, impulsiveness, and an inability to commit to a stable, healthy relationship. His behavior creates a whirlwind of emotional turmoil for Lily Bloom, the protagonist, leading to a toxic cycle

Why We Need to Let Go of People Who Physically and Mentally Hurt Us: Lessons from 'It Ends With Us' Movie

In a world that constantly challenges our emotions and well-being, understanding the importance of letting go of people who cause us harm is crucial. The movie adaptation of Colleen Hoover’s bestselling novel It Ends With Us offers a poignant exploration of this theme, revealing why it's vital to prioritize our mental and physical health over unhealthy relationships. It Ends With Us follows the life of Lily Bloom, a young woman who finds herself in a tumultuous relationship with a charismatic neurosurgeon, Ryle Kincaid. As the story unfolds, Lily grapples with the emotional and physical abuse she endures, despite her initial belief that Ryle is the perfect partner. The film delves deep into the complexities of love, trauma, and the struggle to break free from destructive patterns. One of the film’s key messages is the complexity of abusive relationships. It highlights how individuals can be charming and loving in some moments while being hurtful and harmful in others. This dualit

I Am Not Rihanna: So I Don’t Love the Way You Lie – I Will Block You

In a world where authenticity and truth seem to be undervalued, I find myself increasingly drawn to the idea of genuine connections. As someone who values honesty and transparency, I am unequivocally clear about one thing: I am not Rihanna and I don’t subscribe to loving the way you lie. Rihanna’s iconic song “Love the Way You Lie” encapsulates a tumultuous relationship dynamic that, while powerful in its artistic expression, is far from the reality I choose for my own life. The song, with its raw depiction of pain and conflict, speaks to the experiences of many. But for me, the message is clear: I am not interested in navigating through the murky waters of dishonesty and deception. Lying, whether it’s a small white lie or a grand deception, undermines trust and erodes the foundation of any relationship. It’s a practice that breeds confusion, hurt, and ultimately, disillusionment. While some may find solace or excitement in the drama that deceit brings, I find it to be a needless compl

The Power of Honesty: Why It's Never Useless to Be the Real Deal

In a world where deceit sometimes feels like the norm, it's easy to question the value of honesty. Why be honest when it seems like everyone else is getting ahead with their half-truths and fabrications? Let me tell you why being honest is far from useless. In a world brimming with smoke and mirrors, the concept of honesty might seem quaint, almost outdated. It’s easy to feel that in an age of polished social media profiles and perfectly curated lives, honesty is just a quaint notion, a relic of a bygone era. However, let's take a moment to debunk this myth and explore why being honest is not only beneficial but also a ticket to a more relaxed and fear-free life. Sleep Like a Baby Imagine lying in bed, your mind racing with the day's events. You’re replaying conversations, wondering if anyone saw through your carefully crafted facade. Now, picture a different scenario: you rest easy, knowing that you’ve been genuine in all your interactions. The first scenario is stressful.

Never Forget These People in Life: Who Picked You Up from the Airport, Who Welcomed You at Their Home, Who Helped You with Your Job

Life is a journey filled with countless encounters and moments of connection. As we navigate through different stages and transitions, certain people become integral to our stories—often in ways we might not fully appreciate until later. They are the ones who lend a helping hand, offer a warm welcome, and support us during pivotal moments. In this article, we’ll explore why it’s important to remember and cherish these key individuals who have played a significant role in our lives. The Airport Drop and Pickup: A Gesture of Support One of the simplest yet most meaningful gestures of support is the airport drop and pickup. When you arrive in a new city, possibly feeling overwhelmed or disoriented, having someone there to greet you can make all the difference. It’s more than just a ride; it’s a sign of care and a warm welcome into a new chapter of your life. This person helped ease your transition, offering both practical support and emotional comfort during a potentially stressful time.

Stop Feeling Guilty for Doing What's Best for You

In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves caught between the expectations of others and our own needs. Whether it’s a demanding job, family obligations, or societal pressures, it’s easy to feel guilty for prioritizing our own well-being. However, it’s crucial to understand that taking care of yourself is not selfish; it’s essential. Here’s why you should stop feeling guilty for doing what’s best for you and how to embrace self-care without remorse. Recognize the Value of Self-Care Self-care isn’t just about bubble baths and indulgent treats. It’s about ensuring that you’re physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy. When you take time to focus on yourself, you’re not only improving your quality of life but also enhancing your ability to support and care for others. Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. By taking care of yourself, you’re better equipped to handle the challenges and responsibilities that come your way. Understand the Ripple Effect When you prioritize