I Protect the Peace of My Mind Because I Am Evil When I Am Angry

Anger is a powerful emotion, one that can consume us and distort our judgment. When harnessed constructively, it can drive change and bring about justice. However, when left unchecked, anger has the potential to unleash a side of ourselves that we may not even recognize the darker, more volatile side that can hurt others and ourselves. This is why I place such importance on protecting the peace of my mind. Understanding the Power of Anger Anger often feels justified. Whether it’s triggered by an injustice, a personal slight, or a deep-seated frustration, it’s a response that can seem rational at the moment. However, the true nature of anger is that it blinds us to our own destructive tendencies. We may act in ways that are contrary to our values, leading to actions and words that we later regret. The Dark Side of Anger When I am angry, I find that I am not the person I strive to be. The calm, rational part of me gets overshadowed by a darker force. In these moments, my thoughts become ...