Monday, April 15, 2024

Forever and always

In shadows deep, my heart does pine,

For love that blooms but can't be mine.

He's bound in vows, a sacred tie,

With another soul, beneath the sky.

Yet in my dreams, his laughter sings,

A fleeting joy on silver wings.

I know the ache of hearts entwined,

Forbidden love, a bitter kind.

Oh, how I wrestle with my heart,

In silent hours, worlds apart.

For love, unbidden, claims its stake,

A tender ache I can't forsake.

I watch him smile, his child at play,

And steal my gaze, then turn away.

In secret whispers, passion's art,

I nurse this flame within my heart.

But guilt, a phantom, haunts my days,

In shadows where our love's ablaze.

For though I long for what can't be,

I hold this love so reverently. 

So let this yearning softly be,

A whispered tale of destiny.

In hidden corners, love's design,

A bittersweet refrain, divine.